The impact of COVID-19 is having a devastating effect on communities across the globe. Locally, across Australia and New Zealand, PepsiCo ANZ is proud to announce a donation of $500,000 (USD) to foodbanks to help support our local communities in need.

In Australia, $300,000 (USD) was donated to Foodbank Australia, one of Australia’s largest food relief organisations. Almost 1 in 5 Australians face food insecurity each year, and in the past month, Foodbank Australia has seen a 50% increase in the number of people needing support during this time.

Foodbank Australia will use the donation to provide nutritious meals for vulnerable people and families most impacted by the effects of the Coronavirus over the next few months.

In addition to Foodbank Australia, PepsiCo ANZ has also donated $200,000 (USD) to the New Zealand Salvation Army Foodbank, to support communities and people most affected in New Zealand.

“Food is at the heart of what PepsiCo does, and we are great admirers of the amazing work Foodbank Australia and the New Zealand Salvation Army Foodbank do within their local communities.” - PepsiCo ANZ, CEO, Danny Celoni.

“We also acknowledge the unprecedented demand drought, bushfires and now COVID-19 have placed on Australian food relief organisations this year. I am proud and grateful to be in a position where we can support them during this difficult time by helping our partners bring food to those who need it most.”

Supporting COVID Relief Efforts Globally

On a global scale, The PepsiCo Foundation announced a $45 million USD global initiative focused on bringing vital resources and 50 million nutritious meals to affected communities during this time of crisis.